Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Classic Moments in Florida History: Peter Pan Grows Up

Tampa Bay's own Peter Pan AKA Randy Constan, was married to his very own Tinker Bell, Dorothy in April of this year.

It's official: Peter Pan has grown up!

Peter Pan is a local personality who has gained national recognition for his fairy fashions.
He's even been on Late Night with Conan O' Brien!

I've personally seen Peter Pan a handful of times and he always appears in a happy, magical mood.
We could all learn a little from this guy!

If you haven't, a perusal of his website is a must.

Here you will find all of his magical outfits and I must say, they're all very well made.

Story of the Day

Adult entertainment "actress" Stormy Daniels was arrested in Tampa over the weekend for domestic violence, claiming she was upset over how the laundry had been done.


Who complains about having laundry done for you? Seriously!

Daniels had been in the news recently because she wants to run for the Senate seat in Louisiana.

For some reason, I don't see this happening!

Check out the police report, courtesy of The Smoking Gun at Stormy Relationship

The best part of the report is that her employer is listed as "Porn Star" LOL

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Story of the Day

Fans at this years Comic Con had the surprise of a lifetime when Johnny Depp stopped by to promote Tim Burton's 3-D fantasy "Alice and Wonderland".

Tim Burton introduced Johnny as his "imaginary friend" and the crowd freaked out!

Johnny Depp is definitely a FILF; he grew up in Miramar, Florida.

And to think he was only down the street from me today as I slaved away at the office. Not fair!

You can check out more photos of Johnny at Johnny Depp Surprises Fans at Comic Con

Don't you just love this classic photo of Johnny shot by the late, great Herb Ritts?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Bettie Page, the ultimate pin-up goddess, frequently visited and loved the Sunshine State.

On one of her visits to Florida, photographer Bunny Yeager staged a shoot with Bettie at a wild animal park where her famous Jungle Bettie photos were taken.

Bettie ended her modeling career after converting to Christianity while living in Key West.

Florida certainly makes an impression on people!

We love Florida and we love Bettie Page. She's undoubtedly the sexiest angel in Heaven!

Story of the Day

Warning: This story may cause excessive eye rolling

A girl named Kelly from Miami decided to look up her name on Facebook to see who else had it. Lucky for her, the only other person with her name was a boy living in Texas.

Their online friendship grew into romance (aww!) and boy Kelly went to visit girl Kelly in Florida.

Boy Kelly must have been swept away in the magic that is Florida because after his visit things got really serious and now they're getting married!

Read more at Facebook same name couple to wed

I'll admit this is a cute story--but it's just too much!

Like when couples dress exactly alike. It never ends good. Never.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Story of the Day

A little person promoting a comedy show, while dressed as an Oompa Loompa, was detained by security guards at the Westfield Shopping Mall in Plantation.

Many of the shoppers who witnessed the event began chanting "Let the Oompa Loompa go!"

Only in Florida!!

Read the rest at Oompa Loompah Causes Mall Chaos

Why didn't anything like this ever happen when I worked at the mall!

All we had were weirdos that would flash themselves to girls--no fair!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Story of the Day

An update on the horrific murders of Byrd and Melanie Billings:

Seven suspects have been arrested in connection with the murders.
The home invasion and murder were "very well-planned and methodical" according to the State Attorney.

The Billings' had a sophisticated security system equipped with cameras in order to keep watch over the many children living in their home.

Luckily these cameras caught the suspects coming in and out of their house.

Let's hope justice is served!

Read the details at Police: Suspect sought after 7 arrests in Florida couple's slaying

Monday, July 13, 2009

Story of the Day

A woman in Treasure Island was charged with battery after her boyfriend called the cops on her.

According to the boyfriend, the woman, who was drunk, kept poking him in the groin with a sex toy.

Wow, what a wuss! This sounds like A LOT of people's idea of a good time, and not assault.

Read the rest at Woman accused of battery with sex toy

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hulk Hogan grew up in Tampa and decided to become a wrestler after dropping out the University of South Florida.

He's had the ultimate success in the wrestling world, as well as roles on the big and small screens.

And we can't forget about his restaurant "Pastamania" at the Mall of America.
Who wants to grab a big bowl of pasta and then wrestle?

Hogan keeps to his roots, notably with the filming of his show "Thunder in Paradise" which was shot on location in Clearwater.

He's also the star of the reality show "Hogan Knows Best" which was based in the Tampa Bay area.

Story of the Day

Police in Escambia County have located a van that may be linked to the brutal murder of Bud and Melanie Billings.

The Billings' were killed in a home invasion while their nine children were in the house.

The children are mostly special needs children that the Billings' adopted when no one else wanted them.

Undoubtedly a tragedy for such a horrible thing to happen to two honorable and selfless people.

Let's hope the police catch who ever did this---we'll keep you posted.

Read more at Cops Hunt Red Van in Florida Adoptive Parents' Killings

Thursday, July 9, 2009

If Florida were a car, it would be

A neon green convertible Ford Mustang.

It's flashy.

It's trashy.

It's all Florida baby.

Let's take a ride on I-75 with the top down and blast some Creed!

And by Creed, I mean Creed and not Creedence Clearwater Revival!!

Story of the Day

The only thing the following story and "The Bridges of Madison County" have in common is a bridge.

No sexy National Geographic photographers. No Italian stay at home wives. No tense and rainy red lights.

A couple of sex offenders are suing Miami-Dade County because they want to overturn a law that keeps them 2,500 feet from anyplace children are usually at (schools, playgrounds, etc.).

This restriction has forced an estimated 70 sex offenders to live under a bridge on the Julia Tuttle Causeway.

The bridge is one of the very few places they can live outside of the restricted areas.

I can't say I feel sorry for them. It's one thing to be homeless because you lost your job or you have a serious mental illness.

But to live in a tent because you raped someone? I'd let Clint as Dirty Harry Callahan take over from here, fo sho!

Read the rest of the article at Sex offenders under bridge sue Florida county

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Story of the Day

An Orlando man accused of killing a hooker asked his 5th grade son to help dump the body! WTF?

The killer's son told a classmate about the incident, who then apparently told his parents, who then told the police.

The son said his father asked him to load the body and dump it in a field. How traumatizing!

Read all the gruesome details at Deputies say dad asked fifth-grade son to help dump body

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


None other than the "Thug Misses" Khia!

Khia grew up in Tampa (what up 813!) and is best known for her epic ballad of love and devotion "My Neck, My Back".

She lives in Atlanta now, but she still keeps it real and represents Tampa when she can.

Khia has an ongoing feud with the rapper Trina and, as far as I know, can rap circles around her.

Why? Ugh, because she's the "Queen of the South" y'all!

I couldn't find the scene in the movie "The Door in Floor" when Jeff Bridges starts blasting "My Neck, My Back" to post--that would have been classic.

Guess this will do!

Lightning Strikes Thrice?!

I've heard of having a lot of luck but this is ridiculous!

A man from South Daytona was one of three winners of this past weekend's $1 million lottery. Lucky guy, right?

Well this wasn't the first time he's won the lottery--it's his third time!

You could say it's his fourth time if you count living in Florida as winning the lotto--because it is!

Or it can be. Depending what neighborhood you live in. And if there's a meth lab next door. And it explodes while you are at work. Because, unfortunately, that happens. Then, you're not so lucky.

Anyways, apparently he decided to buy a scratch-off ticket on his way to collecting his piece of the lottery pie and he won $1,000.

And back in 2007, he won $500,000 in another scratch-off game.
Are you starting to hate this guy now?

I hope he spends and saves his money wisely---he can't complain about the state of our economy like the rest of us!

Read more at Flrida Man Wins Lottery Prize for Third Time

Florida on TV

I'm a little late on this announcement since I just read it today (and it's news from the last week of June) BUT I'm excited to hear that Tampa's very own Joanna Garcia has been cast in a reoccurring role on "Gossip Girl" (my total guilty pleasure).

I was EXTREMELY disappointed when I found out Joanna's show "Privileged" (based in West Palm Beach) had been cancelled.

Not cool CW. I loved the characters on that show and was really looking forward to seeing how they developed.

At least I'll get my fill of Florida's talent on the third, and much anticipated, season of "Gossip Girl"

Find out who she'll be playing at 'Privileged' star set for 'Gossip Girl'

Story of the Day

Nothing says "Summer is Here!" in Florida like a shark attack story--this one coming out of the Daytona area.

A 12 year old girl visiting Florida from Ohio (Ohio!) was bitten by a shark while she boogie boarded at the beach.

Luckily, her bite was not fatal. Poor little girl!

This has been the sixth reported shark bite in Volusia County this year.

I can't help but wonder sometimes what kind of animals have swam up close to me when I've been in the ocean.
Guess if we all knew that, we'd never get it!

The article is Ohio girl bitten by shark on Florida's East Coast

Monday, July 6, 2009

Story of the Day

An associate professor at Florida State University, along with other researchers, is conducting a study regarding the belief that cars project personality traits.

Really? Seriously? That's what someone went to school for? To study? The personalities....of cars?

The study is meant to further the field of morphometrics (shape analysis).
The FSU professor hopes this research will look at whether the personality of a car is related to the driver's habits and interactions.

As silly as this seems, there really is something to it.

My first car was a 1991 White Chevy Cavalier and I named him "Falcor" after the mystical flying dog from "The Neverending Story". And this car was caring, reliable and smelled a little, like a dog.

Read more at Researchers study 'personality traits' of cars

Florida or....North Dakota?!

This story comes out of Bismark, North Dakota but it has Florida written all over it.

When police arrived at a home for a domestic disturbance call, they found a woman breastfeeding her baby. And she was drunk.

The cops arrested the woman and now she faces up to five years in prison for child neglect.

She wasn't neglecting the baby though--she still fed him right?!

Guess this arrest has sparked a debate online about breast feeding mom's who drink.

You can read the arguments people are making for and against this incident at Drunken breast-feeding arrest touches off debate

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Story of the Day

I can technically call this blog entry "Story of the Day" since it's already Monday where? Florida!

Scientists at the University of Florida are doing research on whether or not there is a connection between drinking caffeinated beverages and reversing Alzheimer's.

The research suggests that drinking caffeine may hamper the production of protein plaques, which lead to the horrible disease.

Let's hope this research is true.

Read the rest of the article at Coffee 'may reverse Alzheimer's'

I hope I don't forget to get my cup of java tomorrow morning....I don't want to start writing my version of "The Notebook" already.


I swear just THINKING of that movie brings tears to my eyes!


Saucy and sexy Blanche Devereaux is one of South Florida's sassiest residents.

She resides near Miami with her roommates Dorothy, Rose, and Sophia (another FILF).

Blanche is very popular with men, as well with her community.

She is involved with local plays and volunteer service projects with Rose and is a big fan of cheesecakes.

Thank YOU for being a friend, Ms. Devereaux!

Story of the Day

Really sad news to report from the happiest place on Earth.

A monorail driver at Epcot Center was killed when the monorail he was conducting slammed in the back of a stationary monorail.

Luckily the passengers on the monorail were safe.

The accident occurred at around 2:00 am EST.

So sad! I hope the passengers will still visit the Magic Kingdom in the future, because incidents like this one are incredibly rare.

Check out the rest of the story, along with a picture of the crash at Disney World monorail crash kills driver

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

If Florida were a cake, it would be

A Publix cake!

In Red Velvet...and in the shape of a cross!

Jesus, you're delicious

Story of the Day

Apologies of the above photo is in bad taste with the story below--I wanted to balance the sadness with something silly.

Earlier this week, an albino Burmese python strangled and killed a two year old girl in a small town 50 miles from Orlando.

The python belonged to the boyfriend of the little girl's mother. It had broken free from it's holding tank in the night and found it's way into the little girl's bedroom. Tragic.

This is why people should not have wild animals as pets!

According to the article, there are as many as 150,000 Burmese pythons living in the Florida Everglades.
Keep in mind that these snakes are native to Southeast Asia.

This means that people who buy these snakes realize that they can't handle taking care of them, and then they release them into the wild.


Read more at Pet python kills Florida toddler