Sunday, September 20, 2009

Story of the Day

Why Florida? Why?!!

A group of Floridiots calling themselves "Personhood Florida" are trying to add a new amendment to Florida's Constitution that would make it a crime to take birth control pills in Florida.

They want the constitution to define someone as a "person," regardless of age or health status, "from the beginning of the biological development of that human being."

These people are nutso! They consider taking the pill as a "chemical abortion".

You can read their "reasoning" behind their genius idea here they would rather you get knocked up and THEN get a real abortion??

And would it be a crime to use a condom?

And are they going to take in all of the unwanted babies born because birth control was illegal??

I'm sure this group spends TONS of money trying to promote this stupid amendment, meanwhile thousands of Florida's children who were unwanted are hungry and without any financial assistance.

What would Jesus REALLY do, Florida??

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