Monday, June 29, 2009

Story of the Day

Two guys in Deltona made a not-so sweet decision when they asked a Volusia County deputy for a ride home.
Turns out these two had been breaking into cars, and the deputy, either suspicious or racist, told the two he'd have to search them before giving them a lift

A) This is a violation of their civil liberties since the cop had no right to search them BUT
B) these guys were stupid enough to ask a cop for a ride when they burgle cars so they probably don't know their rights.

Instead of finding weapons, the cop found cell phones, GPC devices, and Strawberry flavored Pop-Tarts.
Apparently the nine cars that had recently been broken into in that neighborhood were missing the electronics---and the breakfast treats.

I hope those Pop-Tarts were worth the burglary charge guys!

Read more at Pop-Tarts leave Deltona suspects toasted

Don't read any of the comments people left with this article--not all Floridians are ignorant racists--seriously.

On a side note, my mother NEVER bought us crap breakfast food like Pop-Tarts--we ate our crap at night (Ding Dongs and Twinkies with milk--very healthy!!).

Anyways I had never eaten a Pop-Tart until I was about 22, and that's because a friend tricked me at a movie theatre--it was dark and I thought it was candy--and my Pop-Tart cherry was toasted!

Not my thing, those Pop-Tarts. I'll take a Hostess cupcake anyday.

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